Our Health Care Team and Service Workers
Dr. Stephen Cooper, Medical Director & Attending Physician
Dr. Kate Mackeracher, Attending Physician
Peter Bond, Physician’s Assistant
Registered Staff
Personal Support Workers
Physio Therapist Aide – Lifemark Seniors Wellness
Foot Care Nurse
Dietitian, Seasons Care
Mental Health Worker
Dietary Staff
Maintenance & Housing Keeping/Laundry staff
Activities Staff
Hair Dresser

Program Managers
Elizabeth Cooper, Director of Care/ Administrator
Elizabeth has been working as the Director of Care since November 2020. With added role of administrator in April 2023. She is a highly skilled registered nurse with many years of experience both as a registered nurse and in nursing management/Administration. Elizabeth is responsible for overseeing the operations, nursing personnel and resident care, ensuring a collaborative and efficient workplace with exceptional attention to holistic quality of care. Her expertise in providing high quality nursing care and unparalleled patient care service is her main goal.
Abedh Sharma, Finance Officer
Abedh has been working for the Wikwemikong Nursing Home since September 2022. He holds a Bachelor’s in Commerce and Business Administration. He overall takes care of the Nursing home Finance. Personable and easy to work with. Excellent Knowledge base in his field. You can call him Abby.
Chris Lethbridge, Food & Environmental Services Supervisor
Chris has been working at the Wikwemikong Nursing Home since June 2020. A Red Seal Chef since he was 27, he brings with him a wealth of culinary experience with a focus in Long Term Care for the past 20 years. He oversees our laundry and housekeeping department ensuring that our home maintains a high level of quality control and promotes a homelike atmosphere. The home-cooked aromas that waft through the home are next to none.
Board Members
Introduction to the Board of Directors
The governing body of Wikwemikong Nursing Home is the Board of Directors. This Board has a President, a Vice-President and three other members. An Annual General Meeting is usually held in October.
The Board of Directors is responsible for governing and supporting Wikwemikong Nursing Home’s entire operation. Governance responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Determining Wikwemikong Nursing Home’s values, mission and strategic directions
- Selecting an Administrator and ensuring performance is monitored.
- Ensuring effective organizational planning
- Evaluating the effectiveness of Wikwemikong Nursing Home ‘s programs and services
- Protecting and enhancing the organization’s public image
- Ensuring adequate resources and effective use of resources
- Signing contractual agreements with Government Funding bodies.